Spectral Imaging Simulations for Planetary Surface Exploration
In preparation for the landing of Rosalind Franklin at Oxia Planum, I’ve been developing software to simulate the imaging chain of PanCam. Given a description of an environment, in terms of topography and material distribution, and skylight illumination conditions, the software answers the question of what will PanCam see?
Doctoral Thesis: Spectral Imaging Simulations for Planetary Surface Exploration
LPSC 2018 Poster: Simulating the Image Chain of the ExoMars 2020 Rover PanCam Wide Angle Cameras
Geochemistry to Geology for ExoMars 2022: Visible to Near-Infrared Spectral Variability
My work with the Planetary Surfaces group at the Natural History Museum had the broad objective of preparing for exploitation of the multispectral sampling that the PanCam Wide Angle Cameras afford, by incorporating the prior knowledge of the landing site mineralogy, obtained from orbit, into the analysis process.
Laboratory Simulations of the OROCHI Multispectral Multiview Imager for the Martian Moons eXploration Mission
I spent 2023 at Rikkyo University, Tokyo, where I joined the imaging team making preparation for the OROCHI and TENGOO cameras for the JAXA led MMX mission to Phobos. I worked on a laboratory simulator of the OROCHI multispectral multiview imager, tuning the performance to match that expected of the OROCHI flight model, and writing control and processing software to standarise the acquisition of multispectral reflectance data. This involved taking the simulator into the ISO-6 Extraterrestrial Sample Curation Centre at ISAS to image grains of asteroid Ryugu returned by the JAXA Hayabusa2 mission.