Here is a list of talks I have given, conferences and workshops I’ve attended, and papers I have authored or been a part of.


P.M. Grindrod, R. Stabbins, S. Motaghian, E.J. Allender, C.R. Cousins, M.S. Rice, and K. Stephan, “Optimizing Exomars 2022 Rover Remote Sensing Multispectral Science: Cross-Rover Comparison using Laboratory and Orbital Data”, Earth & Space Science, 9, e2022EA002243, June 2022.
:link: doi:10.1029/2022EA002243

M.R. Balme, M.C. Curtis-Rouse, S. Banham, D. Barnes, R. Barnes, A. Bauer, C. Bedford, J. Bridges, F. E. G. Butcher, P. Caballo, A. Caldwell, A. Coates, C. Cousins, J. Davis, J. Dequaire, P. Edwards, P. Fawdon, K. Furuya, M. Gadd, P. Get, A. Griffiths, P.M. Grindrod, M. Gunn, S. Gupta, R. Hansen, J.K. Harris, L.J. Hicks, J. Holt, B. Huber, C. Huntly, I. Hutchinson, L. Jackson, S. Kay, S. Kybert, J. Lee, H.N. Lerman, M. McHugh, W. McMahon, J.-P. Muller, T. Ortner, G. Osinski, G. Paar, L.J. Preston, S. Schwenzer, R. Stabbins, Y. Tao, C. Traxler, S. Turner, L. Tyler, S. Venn, H. Walker, T. Wilcox, J. Wright, and B. Yeomans, “The 2016 UK Space Agency Mars Utah Rover Field Investigation (MURFI)”, Planetary & Space Science, Volume 165, pp. 31-56, January, 2019.
:link: doi: 10.1016/j.pss.2018.12.003

E.J. Allender, R. Stabbins, M.D. Gunn, C.R. Cousins, A.J. Coates, “The ExoMars Spectral Tool (ExoSpec): an image analysis tool for ExoMars 2020 PanCam imagery”, Proc. SPIE 10789, Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XXIV, 107890I, October, 2018.
:link: doi: 10.1117/12.2325659

A.J. Coates, R. Jaumann, A.D. Griffiths, C.E. Leff, N. Schmitz, J-L. Josset, G. Paar, M. Gunn, E. Hauber, C.R. Cousins, R.E. Cross, P. Grindrod, J.C. Bridges, M. Balme, S. Gupta, I.A. Crawford, P. Irwin, R. Stabbins, D. Tirsch, J.L. Vago, T. Theodorou, M. Caballo-Perucha, G.R. Osinski, “The PanCam instrument for the ExoMars rover”, Astrobiology, 17, 6-7, July, 2017.
:link: doi: 10.1089/ast.2016.1548

Conference Presentations

AGU 2022
Stabbins R. B. et al, “Choosing and Using Multispectral Filters for Data-Limited Dynamic Planetary Surface Exploration with Linear Discriminant Analysis”, AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, IL, US, 12-16 December 2022
Slides, Abstract, Recording

BPSC 2022
Stabbins R. B. et al, “Seeing Minerals Clearly: Learning Dimension Reductions on Spectral Reflectance Libraries for Efficient In Situ Multispectral Image Acquisition and Analysis”, 3rd British Planetary Science Conference, Milton Keynes, UK, 22-24 June 2022
Poster, Abstract

LPSC 2021
Stabbins R. B. et al, “Optimizing Exomars Pancam Multispectral Science: Investigating the Limits of Material Classification”, 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #1912, held virtually, 15-19 March 2021
Poster, Abstract

BSPC 2020
Stabbins R. B. et al, “Hematite through the eyes of the ExoMars 2020 Rover Rosalind Franklin: Simulating mineral identification with the PanCam WAC multispectral filters”, 2nd British Planetary Science Conference, Oxford, UK, 13-15 January 2020
Poster, Abstract

EPSC 2018
Stabbins R. B. et al, “Applications of the ExoMars 2020 PanCam Wide Angle Camera Simulator: Optimising Image Acquisition and Post-Processing”, EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 12, EPSC2018-1116, European Planetary Science Congress, Berlin, DE, 16-21 September 2018
Poster, Abstract

IPM 2018
Stabbins R. B. et al, “Spectral Imaging System Simulation: Preparations for the ExoMars 2020 Rover PanCam Wide Angle Cameras”, International Workshop on Instrumentation for Planetary Missions, Berlin, DE, 12-14 September 2018
Slides, Abstract

LPSC 2018
Stabbins R. B. et al, “Simulating The Image Chain Of The Exomars 2020 Rover Pancam Wide Angle Cameras”, 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #2099, The Woodlands, Texas, US, 19-23 March 2018
Poster, Abstract

Talks, Posters and Workshops

:memo: Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, Chiba, JP, 22-26/05/2023
:loudspeaker: MMX Science Team Meeting Invited Talk, Tokyo, JP, 30/03/2023
:loudspeaker: MMX Imaging Team Invited Seminar, Tokyo, JP, 07/02/2023
:loudspeaker: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Chicago, US, 08/12/2022
:loudspeaker: 3rd British Planetary Science Congress, Open University, UK, 22/06/2022
:loudspeaker: ExoMars PanCam Science Team Meeting, Online, 04/01/2022
:loudspeaker: Mars: A New Geological Frontier, The Geological Society, Online, 04/11/2021
:loudspeaker: ExoMars PanCam Working Group 6 Cartography & 3D Vision Meeting, 03/06/2021
:loudspeaker: ExoMars PanCam Science Team Meeting, Online, 05/05/2021
:loudspeaker: ExoMars PanCam Seminar Series, Online, 28/04/2021
:page_with_curl: 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Online, 16-19/03/2021
:memo: ExoMars PanCam Science Team Meeting, Online, 16-17/09/2020
:loudspeaker: RAS Specialist Discussion Meeting, Biosignature Identification in Habitable Martian Environments, 09/10/2020
:memo: ExoMars PanCam Science Team Meeting, MSSL, 6-7/02/2020
:page_with_curl: 2nd British Planetary Science Congress, Oxford, UK, 13-15/01/2020
:earth_africa: UK Space Agency ExoMars Field Training Workshop on Ancient Lake Sediments, Thurso, Scotland, 16-19/09/2019
:memo: PanCam Science Team Meeting, MSSL, 13/06/2019
:memo: Workshop on 3D visualisation of Mars rover-derived stereo-image datasets for quantitative geological analysis, Imperial College London, 26-27/03/2019
:loudspeaker: Imaging Group Seminar, MSSL, 25/01/2019
:loudspeaker: Plasma & Planetary Group Seminar, MSSL, 8/01/2019
:page_with_curl: European Planetary Science Congress, TUB Berlin, 16-21/09/2018
:loudspeaker: 4th International Workshop on Instrumentation for Planetary Missions, TUB Berlin, 12/09/2018
:loudspeaker: Host, Building Habitable Worlds IV, Astrobiology Early Careers Meeting, MSSL, 6/08/2018
:memo: Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Summer School, UCL, 17-25/07/2018
:loudspeaker: PanCam Science Team Meeting, MSSL, 24/4/2018
:loudspeaker: Solar System Seminar, MSSL, 23/4/2018
:memo: 3D & Visualisation for Planetary Surface Science Workshop, Vienna, 6-7/4/2018
:page_with_curl: 49th Lunar & Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, 19-23/3/2018
:earth_africa: UK Space Agency ExoMars Field Training Workshop, Pembrokeshire, Wales, 18-21/09/2017
:page_with_curl: 1st British Planetary Science Congress, Glasgow, 4-6/12/2017
:page_with_curl: 7th Astrobiology Society of Britain Conference, The Open University, 13/9/2017
:loudspeaker: RSPSOC2017: Earth & Planets, Imperial College London, 6/9/2017
:loudspeaker: PanCam Science Team Meeting, MSSL, 4-5/9/2017
:loudspeaker: Centre for Planetary Sciences Summer Meeting, UCL-Birkbeck, 17/7/2017
:loudspeaker: 1st IUGG Planetary Science Symposium, DLR, Berlin, 3/7/2017
:memo: Review of MURFI Image Processing, Imperial College London, 31/3/2017
:memo: Computational and Statistical Aspects of Topological Data Analysis, The Alan Turing Institute, 23-24/3/2017
:loudspeaker: Building Habitable Worlds 3 Early Career Scientists Meeting, UK Centre for Astrobiology, Uni. Edinburgh, 21/2/2017
:loudspeaker: Plasma & Planetary Science Seminar, MSSL, 31/1/2017
:loudspeaker: UK Planetary Forum 14th Early Career Scientists’ Annual Meeting, Uni. Manchester, 23/1/2017
:loudspeaker: Astrobiology & Space Exploration Seminar, UCL & Birkbeck CPS, 2/12/2016
:loudspeaker: Instrument Simulation, PanCam Science Team Meeting, Joanneum Research, Graz, 21/9/2016
:loudspeaker: Planetary Science in the 21st Century, London International Youth Science Forum, 2/8/2016
:loudspeaker: An Introduction to Planetary Sciences, MSSL Work Experience, 13/7/2016
:memo: Europlanet RPIF 3D Training Workshop, MSSL, 7-9/6/2016
:loudspeaker: Centre for Planetary Sciences Summer Festival, UCL & Birkbeck CPS, 20/6/2016
:loudspeaker: Plasma & Planetary Science Seminar, MSSL, 16/5/2016
:loudspeaker: Wavelength, RSPSoc Early Career Annual Meeting 2016, MSSL, 22/2/2016
:page_with_curl: UK Planetary Forum 13th Early Career Scientists’ Annual Meeting, Uni. Leicester, 22/1/2016
:memo: Introductory Solar Systems Plasmas Summer School, Uni. Glasgow, 13-18/9/2015
:memo: ASB6: The Origin, Distribution & Detection of Life in the Universe, UCL & Birkbeck CPS, 2-4/9/2015
:loudspeaker: Oral Presentation
:page_with_curl: Poster Presentation
:memo: Attendance without formal presentation
:earth_africa: Field Training